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The Carpool CEO

Hey there, fellow commuters and multitasking parents!

Life has a funny way of throwing new challenges at us, and my latest adventure is a prime example—once a week, I’ve taken on the role of carpooling a group of kids to school on the North Shore. Yes, you heard that right! Between the hustle of running a company and the lively chatter of kids in the backseat, my mornings have become quite the balancing act.

Why Carpooling?

For those of you who might not know, I’ve started carpooling to the North Shore from the South Shore of Boston. When I mention that my 11-year-old now goes to school at one of the furthest points from where we live, people’s jaws drop. Boston isn’t exactly known for its smooth sailing on the Expressway—ahh, the things we do for our kids…

When it became clear that my daughter would be attending school in Manchester-by-the-Sea (I live in Hingham, for people local to Boston), getting into a carpool was as critical as getting into the school. But one thing I didn’t have to worry about was where I’d work on the days I’m responsible for drop-off and pick-up. Once the kids are safely at school, my workday begins. And that’s where Workbar’s network of spaces truly becomes a lifesaver, especially the ones in the suburbs.

The Perfect Solution: Workbar Salem

After I’ve waved the kids off to school, I head straight to Workbar Salem, a quick 10 minute drive from my daughter’s school. It’s not just a convenient spot—it’s a sanctuary of productivity amidst the chaos of mom life. Whether I need to catch up on emails, jump into a meeting, or simply enjoy a moment of quiet with a cup of coffee, Workbar has everything I need to transition seamlessly from carpool duty to CEO mode. carpool ceo

Embracing Flexibility

One of the things I’m most grateful for as the CEO of Workbar is the flexibility our network of spaces offer. On days when my schedule is packed, I know I can count on Workbar to provide a professional environment that keeps me connected and focused. It’s this kind of flexibility that makes balancing the demands of parenting and work not just possible, but enjoyable. I often say it’s my personal mission to create workspaces that empower women to stay in the workforce at every stage of their lives. While our spaces are designed to be inclusive for everyone, I feel a deep connection to women because I know firsthand how vital the convenience of a flexible workspace can be. I wouldn’t be where I am today without the support and accessibility our network of spaces provides. 

Finding Community and Support

Let’s be real—balancing a career and parental demands can sometimes feel a bit isolating, especially after a morning of lively tween carpool conversations. But at Workbar, I’m never alone. Our locations are filled with other professionals who, like me, are juggling the demands of work and life. The sense of community is palpable, and it’s a great reminder that we’re all in this together.  

The Takeaway

Carpooling a group of kids to school has definitely added a new twist to my daily routine, but thanks to Workbar, I’ve found a way to make it work. If you’re a parent who juggles work and life like the rest of us and you’re looking for a space that supports your unique lifestyle, Workbar is here for you—just like it is for me in Salem.  

So here’s to making the most of our mornings, finding balance, and embracing the flexibility that life (and Workbar) offers.

Happy commuting!

-Sarah Travers, CEO of Workbar