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The Real Cost of Commuting

traffic jam

The morning and evening commute to work is usually the most dreaded part of any job.  Using the average twenty-two work-day month, we broke down the costs for each major transportation mode to determine how much it costs to commute in major U.S. cities.

As first published here, the major findings from the Brookings Institution, government transit websites, and more reveal part of the reason that so many workers are leveraging technology and connectivity to shorten their commute:

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One of the themes of this report is that taxi prices are always the highest cost. Boston has the smallest average commute distance but the taxi price is still the highest by about 0. The cheapest option is the bus/train/subway. It is also cheaper to take an Uber every day than it is to park in a garage in Boston. If you can get free parking, a car commute is also on the cheap side, but Boston also has  notoriously bad traffic.

There's a maxim that "the ideal commute isn't  no commute," suggesting the benefits of a mental and physical separation from one's home. This is part of the benefit of coworking spaces over other office arrangements, and shows how your nearest shared office space can be your own "Goldilocks" of productivity, an office that's just right for you.