Workbar Live: Defining & Solving Business Problems with the Bounteous Team

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Check out our session with Seth Dobbs, CTO, and Jeff Schurgin, VP of Client Services, both from the Bounteous Team on Defining and Solving Business Problems. In this session, Seth and Jeff review clearly defining your business problems so you don't head down the wrong path in trying to find a solution. You will learn what's behind to developing a good problem statement and ensuring you are truly solving the business problem that will have the most impact to your business.
What are the biggest takeaways?
1. Expand the solution finding team. It can't only be members of the C-Level who are part of the team defining the problems and finding solutions. It should be multifaceted because certain problems may not be in the eye upper management.
2. State the obvious. Unspoken assumptions are the seeds of disaster. The problem might be clearer than you think if you get yourself out of the "it is that way because it has always been that way" mindset that many companies get caught in.
3. It is all in the methodology. Treat the business problem with a scientific approach. Develop a problem statement that includes context. Provide a hypothesis to drive discussion. Attempt to disprove the hypothesis. Then you can begin the process of figuring out the solution.
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